Monday, May 18, 2015

Unit 7

Balance of Payments:

Current Account
·         Balance on Goods and Services
·         Net Exports
·         Balance of Trades
·         Net Investments
·         Net Foreign Income
·         Net Transfers

Current Account Credits: (Assets, Demand for the $, “Inflows”) and Debits (Liabilities, Supply of the $, “Outflows”)
 Tourism here
  Interest/dividends payments
  Foreigners paid to the US use of exported capital
  Aid to the US
  Transfers back to the US
  Our Royalties
 Tourism there
 Interest/Dividend payments the US made for use of foreign capital invested in the US
 Aid to them
  Remittances from the US
  Their Royalties

Financial Accounts/“Capital Accounts”

   Capital inflows
   Direct investments in US by foreigners
   Purchase of stocks and bonds by foreigners
  Capital Outflows
  Direct invest by the US over there
 Purchases of stocks and bonds by the US

Official Reserves of Official Settlements or Special Drawing Rights
   IMF holdings

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