Inflation: is the
rise of the general level of prices.
Inflation rate measures
the percentage increase in the price level over time
Offers a key indicator of the economy’s health.
Deflation is a
decline in the general price level
occurs when the inflation rate declines
Consumer price index
(CPI): measures inflation by tracking the yearly price of a fixed basket of
consumer goods and services
Indicates changes in the price level and cost of
Solving inflation
inflation rate using market basket data:
Current year market basket value – base year market basket value)/ base year
market basket value x 100
inflation rate using price indexes: Current year price index- base year
price index / base year price index x 100
c. Estimating inflation using the rule of 70:
used to calculate the number of years for the
price level to double at any given rate of inflation
Years needed to double inflation = 70/ annual
inflation rate
wages: real wages = nominal wages/ price level x 100
interest rate : Nominal interest rate- inflation premium
Real interest rate is the cost of
borrowing or lending money that is adjusted for inflation
Always expressed as a percentage
Nominal interest rate: the unadjusted
cost of borrowing or lending money
Causes of inflation:
Demand pull inflation: caused by an
excess in demand over output that pulls prices upward ex. Concert: the more
demand= higher prices
Cost push inflation: is caused by a
rise in per unit production cost due to increasing resource costs
Effects of
Anticipated inflation: expected to
Unanticipated inflation: no one has an
idea, no notice prior
Hurt By inflation:
People on fixed
income: social security, scholarship, grant
Lenders and
creditors: they get less money than they loaned
Helped by inflation:
borrowers: debt
will be repaid with cheaper dollars than those loaned out
lenders and creditors are hurt by inflation because the receive money on a fixe rate. this means when the interest rate increases, they will still get paid the same amount, even if they money has less purchasing power