Monday, February 9, 2015

Unemployment: Percentage of people who do not have jobs that are in the labor force
Labor force is the number of people in a country that are classified as either employed or unemployed
Unemployment rate = # of unemployed/ # of employed + # of employed x100
Ideal employement rate 4%
Ideal inflation rate is 2-3%
Not in labor force:
1.       Kids
2.       Military personnel
3.       Mentally insane
4.       Incarcerated
5.       Retired
6.       Stay at home parents
7.       Full time students
8.       Discouraged workers
Types of unemployment:
Frictional: “between jobs” choose new opportunities/ choices/ lifestyles/ educational levels
Seasonal: waiting for the right season to go to work. Ex. Santa, lifeguard
Structural: technology changing associated with a lack of skills or a declining industry.
Cyclical: unemployment that occurs due to a swing in the economy, has to do with the business cycle ex. In a trough. Bad for society and individuals
Full employment occurs when there is no cyclical unemployment present in the economy
Natural rate of unemployment (NRU): ideal rate 4 to 5% unemployed.
Why is unemployment bad?
1.       Not enough consumption (GDP)
2.       Too much poverty
3.       Too much government assistance
Why is unemployment good?
1.       Less pressure to raise wages
2.       More workers available for future expansions
Okun’s law

For every 1% of unemployment above the NRU causes a 2% decline in real GDP

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